Saturday, February 18, 2012

The differences between weight and mass and its relation to mass & gravity according to Newton's Law of motion?

Explain two differences between weight and mass. Be sure to explain how weight is related to mass and gravity according to Newton's laws of motion. Use as many of the following words: force, constant, changes, mass, weight, location, gravity, Newton's, acceleration and inertia.The differences between weight and mass and its relation to mass %26amp; gravity according to Newton's Law of motion?Mass is a measure of inertia; the more the mass, the more the inertia of that object with the mass. According to Newt's first, inertia is that property that causes mass to stay its course and speed unless acted on by a net force.

Weight is the common term we give to the force of gravity, W = mg; where m is the mass of an object and the gravity force field is g = 9.81 N/kg or 32.2 lbs/slug where kg is the mass unit in kms SI units and slug is the mass unit in Imperial units. As you can see, weight is just the mass times the gravity field g.

Upon closer look at g, we find its equivalent units are m/sec^2 or ft/sec^2 depending on the system used to do the measures. These are acceleration units. So g also has acceleration properties. In fact, were we to drop an object with mass m in a vacuum, it would accelerate at g = W/m meaning the force of gravity (weight) acting on a mass m will accelerate that mass at g.

But look here... weight W = mg; so g = W/m = mg/m = g. This remarkable bit of news means that g is a constant. In a vacuum, any mass near Earth will accelerate at g = 9.81 m/sec^2 or 32.2 ft/sec^2. A feather and a hammer, for example, will fall at the same rate if they are dropped in a vacuum. As g is an acceleration and W = mg is a force, we can write W = F = ma = mg where the force is the force of gravity and the acceleration a = g in a vacuum near Earth's surface. And there's Newt's second law.

In many cases, we can treat g as a constant. But it really isn't. It actually varies as g = GM/R^2 where G is in fact a constant, M is the source mass for the gravity field, and R is the distance from the source's center of mass.

As you can see g ~ 1/R^2, which means if we double the R, the strength of the field will be reduced to 1/4 the original strength by moving its location out farther from the center of mass. On the other hand g ~ M; so if we were to double the source mass, the field strength would double all other things, like R, the same.

Bottom line g can and does change according to location. Which means W = mg = mGM/R^2 the weight of m can also change as g changes. But, this is important, m does not change in normal cases; so weight can change and mass normally does not.

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