Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I get motion sickness when travelling on aeroplanes?

Next month, I'm going on a train journey which lasts for 4 and a half hours, and then I'll have to take another train to get to my destination. Since I get sickness on planes, am I likely to get sick on the train? I'm taking motion sickness with me just in case.I get motion sickness when travelling on aeroplanes?Motion sickness is caused by a conflict between your inner ear sensing motion but your eyes not seeing motion. Things like reading books, where you're not looking at motion will cause you to get motion sickness. The best thing to do is simply look at the scenery around you as it goes by. This will eliminate the conflict and will keep you well. This applies regardless of the form of transportation you use.I get motion sickness when travelling on aeroplanes?Could be, it isn't the mode of transportation but the feeling of motion that causes the problems.

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