Sunday, February 12, 2012

Can someone help me come up with an experiment in which I use a motion detector?

I have an open lab in my physical science class and I would like to do an experiment with a motion detector (and a program that makes graphs recording the distances, etc). If someone could help me find a good one it would really be appreciated.Can someone help me come up with an experiment in which I use a motion detector?If the program that you are using allows you to view the Position Vs. Time, Velocity Vs. Time and Acceleration Vs. Time graphs then there are indeed a number of experiments you could do.

1. Have an object slide down an incline (always let it go at the same position on that incline) and see how it's position, velocity and acceleration change with respect to the incline angle.

2. On a smooth horizontal surface have an object being pulled by a hanging mass through a pulley and see how it's position, velocity and acceleration vary with respect to the hanging mass.

3. You could try to do a relativity experiment and have the detector and object move away from each other, toward each other and/or move together in the same direction with/without same speed. Harder to implement probably but just as interesting.

That's all I have for now. Good luck.Can someone help me come up with an experiment in which I use a motion detector?you can do simple linear motion experiments that involves using motion detectors to collect the data with

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