Sunday, February 12, 2012

What motion do i file if my ex has not paid child support and its so far only a temporary order?

we have not even agreed on visitation, i have temp sole custody and he is to pay child support and ins of 726 per month. he is now 8 days late. i am representing myself so i need to know what motion is called to file and only this? i already know he's in contemt of court.What motion do i file if my ex has not paid child support and its so far only a temporary order?A "Motion for Contempt" should do the trick. Most of the time in non-criminal suits (this situation included) there isn't any particular title you need to give your motion, as long as the title expresses what the motion is trying to accomplish. In your motion you should ask the court to force payment of the child support as a remedy.

It's not necessary, but if you wish you could style the motion "Motion for Contempt and Enforcement of Temporary Child Support Order" or something to that effect.

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