Thursday, January 26, 2012

How can I prevent motion sickness?

I have a terrible problem with motion sickness. I only need to get into the back seat of a car and I'm already in cold sweats and dizzy and nauseous. The car doesn't even have to be moving. It doesn't even have to be working! So, you can imagine the issue I have when I travel (by car) from New Jersey to Florida with a 40 lbs dog, my mother, and myself in an Impala. It gets very crowded and very warm and it's a long and bumpy ride. How can I prevent myself from getting nauseous?How can I prevent motion sickness?whatever you do, don't close your eyes!!! your head will feel the moving but you can't see it, so that is what can get you sick. Bring water, and take a pit stop here in there to get out and walk around.How can I prevent motion sickness?
there are this wrist bands for any movement in car air plane or boat sickness . you can find these bands at target on heath isle ,or cvsHow can I prevent motion sickness?Motion sickness pills. Also I eat peppermints to keep the sickness down.

Good Luck
try focusing on one thing...or staring at something in the car that doesn't move...or there is a pill for thatHow can I prevent motion sickness?take dramamine. its a motion sickness pill. it comes in liquid too. i have the same problem. just look forward out the front windows and breathe in the nose out the mouth. and dont read a book or anything like that. it makes it worseHow can I prevent motion sickness?
take along a rubik's cube and try to solve it...that should take you mind off everything
dont move at all!!!

jk, i know its a fustrating problem. try to take a nap, or get medicine to get rid of the nausea. hope you find a solution to this. walk to the pharmacy for the medicine... then you can go home in a car.How can I prevent motion sickness?
There are wrist bands that use accupressure that pressure on the part of your wrist that controls nausea.

Try ginger at the same time. Ginger snaps, ginger suckers that pregnant women eat, ginger soda.

Look outside, preferably on the horizon. Sit up frunt of you can. DRIVE if you can (it keeps your head from telling your stomach that there is something wrong with the way your body is moving.

Good luck!
It helps me to take a Dramamine, Tylonel, or Ibeprofan. Also look out the window. And don't think about how crowded or dizzy you are or else you'll just make things worse be psyching yourself up! happy New Year and best of luck! ;)
in travelling, u might just take with u an orange peel to sniff on.

or just closing ur eyes, try not to see anything. divert yourself to music. you may bring along ur Ipod. Goodluck!
They actually sell this stuff called Motion-Eaze. You put a drop or 2 behind your ears on the soft spots, and it cures any symptoms that have not even occured!!! You can buy it at Wal-Mart.
So do I, first of all you have to sit in the front. Never read while you are in motion. Go to the drug store and ask for Dramamine (for motion sickness ) you can purchase this over the counter. Bon Voyage

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