Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why is it so important to use a full range of motion while lifting?

You can do more 150% more weight and overload the muscles more with a half-range. Can you please explain the importance of a full range of motion? I am trying to build lean strong muscleWhy is it so important to use a full range of motion while lifting?So all of the muscles used in the lift can be worked. 90% of lifts done are compound movements which requires the use of stabilizing muscles -help from other muscle groups. They need to be worked as well in order to be proportionate to everything else. It also prevents against injury. It is okay to use half range lifts as long as you are working out the other half as well.Why is it so important to use a full range of motion while lifting?Lets put it this way: Partial movements create partial growth. If you do squats and you don't use a full range of motion your Hamstrings and glutes don't get worked out as much and thus your development won't be overall exceptional. You may have great Quads but you'll have a flat *** and hamstrings.

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